We are thankful to the Running Legends and Runner Communities/Clubs that are assisting us to explore the best of Machakos and honor us with their participation. Browse the runners community and tap to learn more about them.


Douglas Wakiihuri is a long-distance runner and Medalist in the World Olympics. He has several accolades to his name such as the Summer Olympics, London Marathon & New York Marathon. He now mentors aspiring runners in a marathon fitness center and training school in Kibera.

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Shikuku Eric is a race walker and runner. He has represented Kenya regionally and internationally over the past 2 decades. He is the Current World Masters Athletics Champion at 5km & 10 km racewalks achieved in 2018, Malaga Spain Edition.


Asijiki Fitness do more of outdoor activities including Running, Hiking & Bootcamp events. They train Monday to Friday at different locations within Mombasa including forest trails and morning runs.

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The Mombasa Hash House Harriers are the Running Club with a difference . They are a group of people who love to exercise by jogging. They part-take to challenges of all kinds. Socialising is their trend. There is something exciting for everyone, join them but keep your goals in mind!

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Esquire's journey into recreational running began around 2005, mainly to lose weight. The running bug had bit her. She would run on & off with wrong shoes, no knowledge of the importance of hydration or carb loading. In 2015, she was introduced to Tipwa Tipwa and the rest is history. She calls running her 'first love', her happy place and believes that Running is Life!

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